Friday, January 31, 2014

Similarities Between Creon And ANtigone

Similarities between Creon and ANtigone Similarities between Creon and Antigone In Sophocles tender Antigone, Creon was engaged in a conflict with Oedipus daughter Antigone. Creon and Antigone did non see eye-to-eye the undefiled play due to extreme differences. Creon and Antigone had many resemblingities despite their coarse discrepancies. Having as many differences as they did, it made them uniquely similar in numerous ways. The similarities that Antigone and Creon shared were independence, loyalty toward their views, cruelty and lordliness (The Similarities). The tie-in shared by Antigone and Creon showed that as hard as Sophocles act to make them diverse, he made them unintentionally resembling at the identical time. What does it mean to be independent? check to Websters modern World Dictionary, it means to be empty from the influence or control of others (Independent). Antigone and Creon both showed that they would not be influenced or contro. ..If you want to get a adequate essay, order it on our website:

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