repeating of a vowel [u] Besides to supply the vivid formula of the situation or characters, the author resorts * Onomatopoeia (We arrived in the examination create to find the same candidates there, but they were a subdued, muttering crowd, like the supporters of a home team who had just been beaten in a cup tie; With slow scraping feet that could be heard before they appeared the Secretary and the porters came solemnly down the steps; Go on, he hissed Its you!; Number terzetto or six? the Secretary whispered, without looking up from the news program; Yes, I croaked; Pa ss, he muttered. direct one, created by m! uddle; A clock tingled twelve in the distance; person coughed, and I expected the windows to rattle. created by a thing. We cant help but mention the fact, that particular phenomena is mostly employ in the climax of a text, to add a circumscribed coloring to a text, to highlight that that the main character was approximately reduced to a nervous break-down....If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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