Wednesday, January 22, 2014


1. What are the stages of the consumer decision process? Give examples of how advertising touch the bounce influence each stage. Find an ad that addresses the touch on of customers in each stage. Stages in the Consumer Decision Process world-class Stage (Need Recognition) Perceiving a difference between a persons soaring-minded and actual situations outsized enough to trigger a decision. nates be as simple as noticing an empty take out carton or it can be activated by marketing efforts. publicize influences this stage because produces and assists are everywhere. publicizing lets consumers know that a certain product or service is available, even if the subscribe for it does not arise immediately. Food product advertisements are ample in newspapers, road billboards and on the television. second Stage (Information Search) The knowledge search stage clarifies the options open to the consumer and whitethorn involve: essential Search: Scanning ones mem ory to commemorate previous experiences with products or brands. Often adequate for frequently purchased products. When erstwhile(prenominal) experience or knowledge is insufficient The jeopardize of making a wrong purchase decision is high The cost of gathering information is low. External Search The primordial sources of external information are: 1. person-to-person sources, such(prenominal) as friends and family. 2.Public sources, including various product-rating organizations such as Consumer Reports. 3.Marketer-dominated sources, such as advertising, participation websites, and salespeople When a consumer recognizes a product, he/she tries to picture information round it. Advertising in newspapers and different published materials give such information. However, if a consumer wants to go in-depth on the details of a product, he/she might not find the information easily on an advertisement. Recently, advertisements have been evolving in a sense that milk advertisements today do not yet tell consu! mers the things they already know, that rather the things they dont such as...If you want to make for a full essay, coordinate it on our website:

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