Saturday, January 11, 2014

Business Plan - Bizbuzz

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Entertainment and Media Industry (E &type A; M) in India is a chop-chop evolving as a sphere which shows great voltage. It has been estimated that the E&M industry is self-collected to grow at 19% compound annual offset rate (CAGR) to give way Rs 83,740 crore by 2010 from its present size of Rs 35,300 crore. The E& M industry can be divide into various segments with brand media forming a very important position of this segment. The Print media industry consists of the composition dailies and magazine publishers. According to the NRS survey 2005, the reach of the strike media as a proportion of reading race (15 years and above) is just 27% whereas the global average is 50%. This highlights the significant potential of the print media industry in India. in any case with the literacy rates increasing slowly, ontogenesis need of reading nitty-gritty and the average time dog-tired on reading spillage up from 30 proceeding to 39 minutes da ily, shows a vast untapped potential of this segment. The present scenario favors the growth of the print media industry hence this is the justifiedly time to launch a business magazine, BIZBUZZ which caters to a unique(predicate) class of students. Our target audience would be students who are showtime year B-school students and students who aspire to wet their feet in the management world. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
This in any case gives us the initiatory movers advantage in the market as such assortment of a magazine doesnt exist in the market. BIZBUZZ is a sister concern of Economic Times of India which is have by Bennett and Co leman. The magazine will be published by Vis! ion Publications which has been launched by the editors of Economic Times. BIZBUZZ is an attempt by its promoters to plump for out in the market through its quality content and a language... If you indirect request to get a full essay, enjoin it on our website:

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