Monday, January 27, 2014

Fashion/ Style Changes occurred in the city Flappers

In the 1920s, a modernistic generation of woman was born(p) who smoked, drank, danced, and voted. She stinger her hair, wore make-up, and went to petting parties. She was known as the flapper. Flappers challenged all ripe perceptions of what it was becoming for a woman to do. Flappers as well as constantly challenged the old-time ethics and beliefs - the largest of which comes to mind are justice and modesty. Young women were considered easy and immodest because their skirts werent as long and their dances were more than risqué. Traditionally, women wore their hair very long, nevertheless the flapper was characterized as having a bunco weave or wharfage as they called it back then. They danced new dances like the Charleston and appareled more provocatively. This was a drastic change from the previous generation. Men also changed their fashion appearance during the 1920s. Men returning from the war face closets full of wearing apparel from the teens, which they wore into the early 1920s. During this time, the sacque suit was alike to the appropriate align for gentlemen. With the suits, colored shirts of putty, peach, blue-gray and cedar were worn. Shaped silk ties in small nonrepresentational patterns or diagonal stripes were secured with tiepins. gruesome bowler hats consummate the ensemble. Entertainment- Movies/ Music         The flappers also helped spark the Jazz Age. Their preferred euphony to dance to was jazz. Blacks like Handy, Jelly Roll Morton, and Joseph world-beater Oliver gave ingest to it. Thousands of white customers ran to Harlem bistros such as the Cotton monastic frame to hear Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Bessie Smith and other jazz giants. After its nativity in New Orleans in the early 1900s, artists such as Sidney Bechet and Louis Armstrong traveled to the Chicago and New York areas, where Jazz albums began to be recorded... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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