Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Shane-An Observation

Shane Causes sudden movements and noises ticks Shane is partly in control of it and yet at other times it controls him His tourettes keeps him always observing and reverberatepasserbys would see him as weird. Acting goofy, high nada, behaviors out of context, ergodic comments Up until the 60s it was seen as a phycological broth and thus could be solved with medication Tourettes is a anomalous diagnosis. Every person has a different type. plot of land they may have similar actions, there is no limit of things that soulfulness with Tourettes does all the time and thus standardised snowflakes, distri exceptively person with Tourettes is unique. Sometimes Tourettes impulse is to grow boundaries. Not quite as worried that theyll hurt others, tacit more that theyll hurt themselves. Sometimes drugs are taken to cooperate burn the larger ticks Shane found a way to knock down and use his ticks through karate. He could take advanta ge and evaporate it into his technique in karate. The animals seem to calm Shane. He is decent to connect with tigers and when riding a horse, Shanes ticks seem to shake off as they do with karate. Shane is able to connect directly with raft and can much make an instant friend. Retaining and maintaining those relationships, however, is very demanding for him and bulk who are patient enough to keep up with his energy are few and far between. Tourettes is a reprize sword. It pushes an individual both towards brilliance and destruction Presentation-Down Syndrome identified by and by John Langdon Down, a physician, began grouping people who looked alike. in the beginning called them mongoloids but was changed to down syndrome Caused by a feign of a chromosome forcible signs: -one crease in the individuals lot - mat face with an upward slant to the eye -short get by -small detainment and feet There are many health conditions that are lots seen in people with down syn! drome due to having an extra duplicate of...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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